Hayden’s Health Update 2.18.14

Dear Friends & Family:

I wanted to update you all on my current health situation, but before I do, I wanted to show you (brag) what really matters to me – my baby boy! I cannot measure, nor describe, the amount of joy Thomas has brought our family over the last 3 months. He truly is a gift from above.

As for me, we’ve had a rough few months and for once, I have had a valid excuse not to update my blog. I’ve had a series of procedures performed and then dealt with a variety of complications that started around Thanksgiving, ran through the Christmas Holidays, and then New Years. We actually spent New Year’s Eve at CTCA (hospital), but don’t feel sorry for us – we ordered about $300 of food from Longhorn, drank beer and champagne (not me), and watched terrible television shows with friends and family. But hey, we’ve made the most of it and we continue to make lemonade out of lemons. Truthfully, & more so than ever, I’ve been fighting. Fighting to stay awake when I am tired, fighting to stay strong when I am weak, and fighting to stay positive when I am “down”. I am fighting for my life like just the cancer is fighting to survive. To give you a better idea of what I have endured (mentally & physically), to date, I’ve had 48 rounds of chemotherapy, 5 different radiation procedures, hundreds of doctor appointments and in April, will be recognizing (not celebrating) two years of fighting this disease. I am mad & I will NOT quit.

As for the cancer, my disease has progressed, primarily in my abdomen. That said, as a family, we have recently decided to pursue treatment overseas to get me healthy again. We collectively agree that we need to take different actions to receive different results. This Friday afternoon, Parker and I are departing for Vienna, Austria to receive “alternative” treatment which will be less toxic and hopefully, more beneficial to my health. We both purchased one-way airfare and I will be overseas for a minimum of one month. Shelly, Thomas, Mom & Jen will be coming to spend time with me as well. I will be receiving a very comprehensive set of treatments / therapies such as: Hyperthermia, IP Hyperthermic Perfusions, Mistletoe, Immunotherapy, various Vitamins and Nutrients (via IV), low dose radiation & chemo, etc. Our goal is to activate my Immune System so it has the ability to properly fight the cancer.

We will arrive in Vienna Saturday morning and will likely recover from jet lag, may do some light sight-seeing, and will start “work” on Monday morning at 9:00am. I will be checking my email, do have the ability to Skype, and have also downloaded the free international texting app called “WhatsApp”. I will not be making many phone calls so the aforementioned is the best way to communicate with me. The time zone / change is 6 hours (ahead) and I will be in treatment daily, so I may not be prompt to respond, but I will enjoy hearing from each and every one of you often and will do my best to respond in a timely manner.

In closing, I want to thank each and every one of you for your endless support, love, and friendship and I hope to come back with positive results soon.

With love,

T. Hayden Blanchard
(770) 722-7845


19 thoughts on “Hayden’s Health Update 2.18.14

  1. Hayden..Our prayers will continue and with your fighting spirit.. Getting your body in better shape to join in the battle I know you will win. Many thoughts well wishes and prayers are heading to Vienna with you.  Carolyn Axt and family. 

    Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

  2. Dear Hayden,

    I pray that this new treatment will be just what you need to get a great and powerful result to turn this disease around. You have such a beautiful family and fine new son. You are teaching your boy about strength, grace and perseverance. You are a wonderful dad, Hayden.

    God bless you on this journey toward recovering fully. My prayers are with you!

    Take good care, Kathy Smith

    Kathy Smith “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things….”

    Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 21:56:05 +0000 To: twohounds55@hotmail.com

  3. Hayden

    Safe travels on your trip to wellness. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers everyday. You can fight the beast and win. XOXO.

  4. HAY-TEN,

    The Smith family ( from Four Season pool days many years ago )arepraying for you and your family. You are gonna win this battle !!

    Kathy, Andrew, Erin, Katherine and Colleen

  5. I am sending all the prayers that I have your (and your family’s) way! I knew the silence was too good to be true. I have to say, I am mad too! This cancer needs to move on out. And I will do all i can to help you fight it with my prayers. Stay strong and keep your faith. HUGS!!!
    PS- Baby Thomas is beautiful!!

    • I will be praying that you and Parker have a safe trip. You are constantly in my thoughts my prayers and my heart and will continue to be.
      Thomas is a beautiful baby and you have every right to be extremely proud. God bless you always.
      With much love,

  6. Our continued prayers and thoughts go with you to Vienna. Thomas is beautiful as our both his parents. God Bless you all, Skip & Colleen

  7. Awesome pic of Thomas, Hayden! What a beautiful gift from God…and one more HUGE reason to keep fighting every day. Prayers from Texas for safe travels and skilled physicians and staff as well as the patience to take it one day at a time. We love you buddy.

  8. Prayers are with you and the family from the Burns’s. And that is a Blanchard baby without a doubt! Congrats on that front, he’s a good looking guy!

  9. Thomas is lucky to have such amazing parents with such a strong support system. We are all sending prayers and thoughts. Safe travels overseas.

  10. You have been in my thoughts and prayers for a long time Hayden. I am John’s mom
    and even though we have never met I have kept up with your progress through Kim.
    I truly wish you a full recovery. Thomas is such a beautiful baby and something to truly fight for. Best of luck through your struggle. Carol Martin

  11. Thomas is so precious. I’m glad I got to meet him and spend some time with your mom Dec. 30th. You and your entire family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

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